Issue: May/June 2012
Syria: Imperialism sidelined by the Annan Plan
The steadfastness of the Syrian people in the face of every effort to divide and undermine them, coupled with the refusal of Russia and China to endorse the economic, diplomatic and military campaigns of aggression, continue to frustrate imperialist plans of conquest in the Middle East. Whilst... [Read more]
Letter to the editor: On the stage of revolution in South Africa
Dear ComradesI write with reference to the article in your last issue (Lalkar, March/April 2012), ‘The decay of the revolutionary leadership in post-Apartheid South Africa’, being the text of the speech delivered by Comrade Khwezi Kadalie, Chairperson of the Marxist Workers School of South... [Read more]
Increased rents, another straw on the Camel’s back
As economic blows continue to fall on the working classes in Britain in the form of job losses, wage cuts, slashed benefits, increased food price, extended working life, shrinking pensions, while health care and education services are being increasingly privatised and milked for profit by various... [Read more]
Abu Qatada: a tale of injustice
The job of this paper is not to promote any religion – most of them have the funds and expertise to do that for themselves. When, however, a religion is attacked and demonised in order to create a smokescreen for imperialist brigandage around the world under the flag of ‘war on terror’; when this... [Read more]
Poem for Godfrey
We thought that Godfrey’d gone awayAlthough we’d begged him please to stay“There’s so much work, death’s not your fateWithout your help the load’s too great!”How will we print the papers and leaflets?How will we know the place to meet?Who will support us when we’re down?Who’ll make sure we’ve... [Read more]
Support Palestinian Prisoners’ Mass Hunger Strike
On 17 April 2012, Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli prisons launched a mass hunger strike demanding an end to administrative detention, isolation and other punitive measures taken against Palestinian prisoners including the denial of family visits and access to university... [Read more]
In celebration of the centenary of Comrade Kim Il Sung’s birth
At a CPGB-ML day school Ambassador Hyon Hak-bong spoke of the current situation, participants studied the writings of Kim Il Sung and rebutted media lies against the DPRKTo celebrate the 100th anniversary of the birth of the great leader of the Korean revolution, Comrade Kim Il Sung, the CPGB-ML... [Read more]
Godfrey Andries Cremer: Some of the many messages of condolences received from organisations and individuals across the world
ORGANISATIONSThe Embassy of the Democratic Peoples Republic of KoreaDear Comrades of CPGB-MLI express the profound deepest condolences to the bereaved family and comrades for the loss of our dear precious and irreplaceable comrade, Godfrey.Comrade Godfrey was a genuine comrade for the Korean... [Read more]
Poem: Frederick Engels
Most don’t bother coming next and get the silver, Or being the second highest mountain in the world.But that was not the style of Frederick Engels, He held Marx’s flag aloft, proud and unfurled.When the brightest star is shining in the heavens, You would think a darker piece of sky was worth a... [Read more]
Godfrey Andries Cremer: 11 May 1943 – 26 March 2012
It is with the greatest of sadness that CPGB-ML and Lalkar announce the death of one of their staunchest comrades in the early hours of 26 March from pancreatic cancer and further complications arising therefrom. Although he was diagnosed as suffering from this lethal disease only in February,... [Read more]
Argentina renationalises YPF, the country’s biggest oil company
It was announced on 17 April that Argentina is renationalising YPF (increasing its holding to 51%), the country’s biggest oil company, by means of compulsorily purchasing most of the 57.43% shareholding in that company held by Repsol, which is registered in Spain (and is itself formerly a... [Read more]
Afghanistan: The utter failure of the imperialist predatory war
“Five years ago the Americans were refusing to speak to the Taliban. Now the Taliban are refusing to speak to the Americans. That is a measure of how the balance of power has shifted in Afghanistan. The western intervention there has failed. As Nato prepares to withdrawn from the country in... [Read more]