Issue: May/June 2018
Syria – imperialism attempts to provoke a major war as rats finally cleared out of eastern Ghouta
Throughout March and April the Syrian government, assisted by its Russian and Iranian allies, has been slowly retaking eastern Ghouta, a large area on the outskirts of Damascus comprising several towns as well as farmland, that was captured by jihadis five years ago and was being used as a base... [Read more]
Hail the march forward of the Korean people
The eyes of people around the world remain focused on the events on and around the Korean peninsula, which continue to evolve at breakneck speed ever since Comrade Kim Jong Un, the leader of the socialist Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), made a bold proposal to realise national... [Read more]
The Windrush scandal
The Immigration Act 2014 provided for people to be liable to immediate deportation if they could not prove their right to remain in the UK. Not only that, it prohibited landlords from providing premises to such people and the NHS and banks from providing their services. It denied them the right... [Read more]
The utter bankruptcy of Stop the War
Fresh proof that workers will never succeed in stopping war while they allow the StW charlatans to lead their movement.On Monday 16 April, following the launching of over a hundred 1,000lb missiles against Syria by the US, Britain and France on the previous Saturday, the Stop the War Coalition... [Read more]
Lula jailed for corruption by the corrupt
The comprador elements of Brazilian society have succeeded, through their control of the media, in tainting the reputation of the Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT) of Lula and Dilma, besmirching it with unfounded charges of corruption, and now even successfully ‘weaponising’ the country’s judiciary... [Read more]
Keep the guard on the train, kick the privateers off the railways!
RMT members on Northern Trains were out on strike again in March, resisting attempts by Arriva to undermine the safety-critical role of the on-board guard and to extend driver-only operation to as many as half a million trains a year.In February this year a train coming into Leeds station... [Read more]
Docklands railway strikes
The cleaners and security staff working on the Docklands Light Railway have been back out on strike again in their continuing battle for fair pay, negotiated rostered hours and an end to a catalogue of workplace abuses by their employers.In the smoke and mirrors world of outsourcing, RMT members... [Read more]
Zionist brutality on full display in Gaza
At the time of writing, since March 30th, 34 Palestinians had been murdered by Israeli forces. Thousands were wounded. During the ‘March of Return’ demonstrations, Israel attacked protesters with minimal provocation. Tear gas was used on crowds, many were shot, some shot in the back running... [Read more]
GKN takeover: capitalism once more brings mayhem to thousands of working-class lives
On GKN’s website we are told that the the company is “a global engineering business. Every time you travel by road or air almost anywhere in the world it is likely that GKN is helping you on your way. We design, manufacture and service systems and components for original equipment manufacturers... [Read more]
France fights back against Thatcherite ‘reforms’
The French bourgeoisie has thrown its latest President, Macron, into the class battle that it has been trying, unsuccessfully, to win for some years now. That battle is being forced by the French government and is, according to Macron and his stooges, ostensibly to ‘modernise’ the economy and... [Read more]
The origins of the British Legion, the bourgeois state and its demobilised troops
IntroductionThe British and Irish Communist Organisation is remembered amongst Marxist-Leninist circles in Britain for the outstanding role it played in defending Marxist political economy in the face of the revisionist betrayal of socialism in the USSR (in particular the pamphlets defending J V... [Read more]
Tribute to Comrade Winnie Mandela
The much-maligned and often wilfully misunderstood Mother of the South African nation, Comrade Winnie Madikizela-Mandela, passed away at the age of 81 on 2 April 2018 following a long illness. Her place in history is guaranteed by her tenacity, heroism, and overwhelming ability to stand... [Read more]
200th Anniversary of the birth of Karl Marx
A 4.4-meter monumental bronze statue of Karl Marx presented by China as a gift to the great thinker’s hometown, was erected in Trier Friday ahead of celebrations to mark the 200th anniversary since Marx’s birth.Designed by famous Chinese sculptor Wu Weishan, the statue arrived last month in the... [Read more]