Issue: March/April 2002
We are all Terrorists – SLP Youth members detained under Terrorism Act 2000
Fahim Ahmed, a prominent SLP Youth member was, like thousands of others in the past few months, arrested and detained (without so much as the suspicion of an offence) under the draconian new terrorism legislation. Another leading SLP member, Sukant Chandan, was also detained under the new... [Read more]
US Military Intervention Heightens Revolutionary Resolve of the Filipino People
12 January 2002 The Abu Sayyaf group in the Philippines is like the Osama bin Laden group in one sense. It is a US creation that has run out of US control. It was created by agents of the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), in collaboration with Filipino CIA assets (including Generals... [Read more]
Behold! A Palestinian state is being born
Since the beginning of the al-Aqsa Intifada, nearly 900 Palestinians have been killed by the Israeli army and Zionist settlers, and 25,000 injured. During the same period 263 Israelis have died and 800 injured. Of those killed on the Palestinian side, 150 were under the age of 18, as compared... [Read more]
New World Order in Deep Trouble
The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) was founded in April 1949 with the supposed aim of defending the “free world” from “godless communism”. Curiously, however, in over half a century of its existence it did not once invoke article 5 of the treaty, which calls on signatories to come to... [Read more]
Slobodan Milosevic in The Hague – By adding three lies, one does not get the truth, only a bigger lie
Transcript of January 30, 2002 proceedings Pres. Milosevic: By adding three lies, one does not get the truth – only a bigger lie. All three indictments really have a running thread – to use a statement I’ve heard used here – which is the ongoing crime against Yugoslavia and against my people. ... [Read more]
Picking Up The Pieces At Dabhol As Enron Implodes
Enron effectively imploded on Wednesday, November 28, with Dynegy refusing to go ahead with its proposed merger deal. Enron’s shares are now trading for only a few cents and Enron is now heading towards an inevitable bankruptcy, if not liquidation. This has brought to an ignominious end a high... [Read more]
Enron: Friends in High Places
Enron and its employees were the largest contributors to president Bush’s campaigns over the years, and Enron gave more money to politicians in the last election cycle than did any other energy company. Since 1993, its employees and its chairman, Kenneth L. Lay, have donated nearly 2 million... [Read more]
When the dust settles on Afghanistan, will it be full of depleted uranium?
There are serious and unanswered questions as to the military use of depleted uranium (DU) in Afghanistan; questions which none of the mainstream media are addressing. Dr. Dai Williams, an independent researcher, has concluded that, despite MoD denial, it is highly likely that the new... [Read more]
Colombia’s Revolution will not be Defeated
The Washington spin doctor responsible for giving names to US-led or -inspired military attacks has got some explaining to do. For example, what justification can there be for passing over such an obvious title as ‘War on Anyone in the Way of our Oil Profits’, opting instead for the inane and... [Read more]
Tribute to Frank Cave by Arthur Scargill
The President of the Socialist Labour Party, Frank Cave, who was also Vice President of the NUM, died on 7 January 2002. Lalkar extends its condolences to his family, to the NUM and to the SLP. Frank was truly a passionate working class activist whose high level of commitment to the movement is... [Read more]
Afghanistan – the continuation of the two-decade long war of imperialist terrorism
U.S. imperialism began its present predatory war against the people of Afghanistan on 7th October 2001. Begun in the name of waging a “war against terrorism”, it is actually the continuation of the terrorist war that U.S. imperialism has been waging against Afghanistan since the spring of 1979.... [Read more]