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Bhagat Singh was one of us
[Issue: September/October 2013]
28 September marks the 106th anniversary of the birth of Bhagat Singh, great revolutionary fighter for the freedom of the Indian subcontinent from British imperialism, and a great Marxist intellectual, who was hanged for his anti-colonial revolutionary activities by the brutal British colonial... [Read more]
Red Salute to Baba Bhagat Singh Bilga
[Issue: July/August 2009]
The revolutionary movement, and all Indian progressives and patriots, lost the last living link with one of the most glorious pages of India’s anti-imperialist history when Comrade Baba Bhagat Singh Bilga, popularly known as Baba Bilga, passed away on 22 May in Birmingham at the age of 102.Baba... [Read more]
On Bhagat Singh
[Issue: January/February 2008]
Gandhi, with his characteristic perversity – a perversity in consonance with the interests of the bourgeois-landlord classes of which he, and the Congress Party he led, were the chief representatives – condemned Bhagat Singh and his fellow revolutionaries variously as “deluded patriots”, “men... [Read more]
On Bhagat Singh: 100th anniversary celebration of birth of greatest Indian revolution martyr (Part 3)
[Issue: September/October 2007]
Gandhi’s role in the execution of Bhagat Singh and his comradesFollowing part 1 and 2 in the two previous issues, part 3 here provides evidence of how Gandhi and the Congress Party were as keen as was British imperialism to eliminate the revolutionary wing of the Indian freedom struggle as... [Read more]
On Bhagat Singh
[Issue: July/August 2007]
The bombs in the Assembly episode set into motion a train of events that were to haul Bhagat Singh and his comrades before a specially constituted tribunal in Lahore in the famous Second Lahore Conspiracy trial and send them to the gallows. Bhagat Singh was suspected of being implicated in the... [Read more]
On Bhagat Singh
[Issue: May/June 2007]
The man This year marks the hundredth anniversary of the birth of the greatest Indian revolutionary martyr, Bhagat Singh. Born on 27 September 1907, Bhagat Singh was a mere 23-year-old young man, when he was judicially murdered (on 23 March 1931) by British imperialism with the connivance of... [Read more]
On 75th Martyrdom Anniversary Of Bhagat Singh
[Issue: November/December 2006]
75 years ago the British Raj judicially murdered Bhagat Singh, RajGuru and Sukhdev. With the hanging of these heroes, the British authorities intended to stamp out their revolutionary ideals. However, in death, Bhagat Singh has proved to be even more dangerous. By way of commemorating his... [Read more]
On 75th martyrdom anniversary of Bhagat Singh: Statement to the Court on the Bombing of the Central Assembly
[Issue: September/October 2006]
‘TO MAKE THE DEAF HEAR’ 75 years ago the British Raj judicially murdered Bhagat Singh, RajGuru and Sukhdev in Ferozepur, Punjab. With the hanging of these heroes, the British authorities intended to stamp out their revolutionary ideals. In death, Bhagat Singh has proved to be even more... [Read more]
Remembering Bhagat Singh
[Issue: July/August 2006]
Born on 27 September 1907 in the village of Khatkar Kalan of Jalandhar district in Punjab, Bhagat Singh was inspired by his uncle Ajit Singh, who was seriously involved in the struggle for independence from Britain. Most of his student life was spent in Lahore, capital of the undivided Punjab,... [Read more]
Bhagat Singh Rally
[Issue: May/June 2000]
Bhagat Singh Rally in SouthallOn April 8th, an excellent anti-imperialist Rally took place at the Saklatvala Hall, Southall, to commemorate the martyrdom of Bhagat Singh. 68 years since Bhagat Singh and his comrades died a martyrs death at the hands of British imperialism, the contribution of... [Read more]
Obituary: Gursharan Singh
[Issue: January/February 2012]
Lalkar is saddened by the death of the writer, artist and revolutionary dramatist, Gursharan Singh. He had a long association with the Indian Workers Association (Great Britain) and Lalkar, which for a long time was the organ of the IWA-GB. He visited the UK at our invitation twice with his... [Read more]
The Jallianwala Bagh (Amritsar) massacre
[Issue: March/April 2019]
April 13 this year marks the 100th anniversary of the Jallianwala Bagh (Amritsar) massacre. To understand, and appreciate, its significance in the struggle of the Indian people for liberation from British colonial rule, it is important to put it in the context of the First imperialist World War,... [Read more]
Delhi elections: Clean sweep for the Aam Admi Party
[Issue: March/April 2015]
A surprise election result The results of the elections to the Delhi Legislative Assembly (DLA) were announced on 10 February 2015. The announcement of the results came as much as a shock to the winning party as to the losers. On a record turnout of 67.1%, the Delhi electorate (13.3... [Read more]
The everlasting contribution of the October Revolution
[Issue: January/February 2015]
On 8 November, the CPGB-ML held a public rally to mark and celebrate the 97th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution. Joti Brar spoke to a packed audience on this occasion, and we reproduce her speech immediately below (it is also available on Proletarian Television). ... [Read more]
100th Anniversary of the Ghadar movement
[Issue: March/April 2014]
Part 4 Preparations for an uprising Last year marked the 100th anniversary of the Ghadar movement. By way of a tribute, Lalkar began dedicating this long article to the memory of its founders and participants – the forerunners of India’s struggle for liberation from British... [Read more]
100th Anniversary of the Ghadar movement – a salute to the forerunners of the Indian liberation struggle
[Issue: July/August 2013]
This year marks the 100th anniversary of the Ghadar movement. By way of a tribute, Lalkar is dedicating this long article to the memory of its founders and participants – the forerunners of India’s struggle for liberation from British colonialism. What follows is an attempt to give a brief... [Read more]
Rally at the ICCA in Nottingham
[Issue: September/October 2010]
This issue of LALKAR contained a picture of part of the platform of a well attended cultural function organised by the Indian Workers Association (Great Britain) members in Nottingham on Sunday, 22 August, at the ICCA in Hucknall Road. Following discussion of progressive writers in Britain,... [Read more]
Centenary of Madan Lal Dhingra – Patriot, Revolutionary and Martyr
[Issue: September/October 2009]
August 17th 2009 marked the 100th anniversary of the martyrdom of Madan Lal Dhingra, a great Indian revolutionary patriot, hanged in London for striking a blow for the freedom of his country. He was aged just 26.Madan Lal Dhingra was born on 18 September 1883 in the Punjabi city of Amritsar into... [Read more]
Salute the Heroes of the 1857 Indian War of Liberation
[Issue: September/October 2008]
LALKAR has been marking the 150th anniversary of the outbreak of the First Indian War of Independence (1857-1859) with a series of articles.With part 1, in our November/December 2007 issue, we showed the causes of this, the largest anti-colonial uprising anywhere in the world in the 19th century,... [Read more]
Bourgeois Secularism and the Communal Challenge
[Issue: March/April 2004]
Part Two This is the second instalment of this article, which we began publishing in the last issue of Lalkar. It is a slightly extended version of that which appeared in The Marxist, Volume XIX, No 2 April-June 2003. The question of communalism and religious bigotry is extremely important,... [Read more]