French edition of ‘Trotskyism or Leninism?’

My book Trotskyism or Leninism? has been translated into the French language and published in Belgium.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank, from the bottom of my heart, the PTB (Party of Labour Belgium), its theoretical journal D’Etudes Marxists (Marxist Studies), the publishing house EPO, and all the comrades who worked so hard to make it possible for the French version of this book to be produced for 1st May 2003.

In particular I extend my thanks to comrades Jean-Marie Flemal, Annelise Arcq, Andrée Glineur, Dominque Meeús and Johnny Coopmans for their hard work translating this rather lengthy book and checking the quotations in the relevant French versions of the works cited in my book; to comrades Thomas Gounet, Jo Cottenier, Danny Vandenbroucke, Herwig Lerouge, Nadine Rosa-Rosso of the Editorial Committee of Marxist Studies (the theoretical journal of the PTB); to Hugo Franson of the publishing house EPO; and last, but not least, to comrades Luciern Materne and Jean Pestieau, whom I pestered on more occasions that they would wish to remember.

I express the hope that French-speaking workers will find this book of some use in their struggle against the counter-revolutionary ideology of Trotskyism and thus render all the efforts of the Belgian comrades worthwhile.

Harpal Brar

[Available from EPO-Belgique, Lange Pastoorstraat 25-27, B-2600 Anvers; EPO-Paris, c/o Le Temps cerises, 6 Avenue Edouard Vaillant, 93500 Pantin; email]