Issue: January/February 2018
Jerusalem – Trump lights the blue touch paper
On 6 December 2017, Donald Trump, the US president, made an announcement officially recognising Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. With vice-president Mike Pence, Trump’s conduit to the evangelical Christians, a key constituency of his political base, standing right behind him, it was an announcement... [Read more]
Imperialism faces defeat in Syria
A week into December, the Russian president Vladimir Putin made the following announcement concerning the situation in Syria: “Two hours ago, the defence minister reported to me that the operations on the eastern and western banks of the Euphrates have been completed with the total rout of the... [Read more]
Brexit is maturing the conditions for Irish reunification
The issue of the border between the British-occupied six north-eastern counties of Ireland and the 26-County Republic has emerged as one of the key stumbling blocks in Britain’s tortuous path towards leaving the European Union.With the toxic mixture of imperial arrogance, short-sightedness and... [Read more]
Haringey councillors lose seats over housing demolition lies: but what next?
Corbynite ‘left-wingers’ have apparently taken over the Council of the London Borough of Haringey in a ‘purge’ if the right-wing press is to be believed. There is the usual nonsense about ‘ruthless attacks’ by the left (see for example, Pippa Crerar, ‘Corbynistas purge of moderates in London... [Read more]
Ukraine – counter-revolution has brought nothing but economic dislocation and chaos
Before the coup which installed the Kiev junta in 2014, Ukraine’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) stood at $183bn. This has now halved to $93bn. Since Russia responded to hostile trade sanctions by stopping the import of consumer goods from Ukraine, Ukraine has lost $15bn a year (‘Ukraine is... [Read more]
Saudi Arabia’s criminal war against Yemen
Former Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh is dead. Having betrayed his makeshift Houthi allies on 2 December, he died at their hands on December 4. Saleh had announced he was abandoning his Houthi allies to join forces with their Saudi enemies. This was the type of double-crossing manoeuvre... [Read more]
The grip of US imperialism on Honduras is holding – but the masses are restless in their chains
On Sunday 26 November, 2017, Honduran voters went to the polls to elect a President, 128 members of the unicameral National Congress, 20 members for the Central American Parliament and mayors for the municipalities of Honduras. The count is usually carried out at the polling station with the... [Read more]
Inhuman working conditions at Amazon
According to Forbes, on 27 October Jeff Bezos became officially the world’s richest man as shares in his company, Amazon, jumped 13%. Meanwhile a recent Sunday Mirror investigation revealed that overworked Amazon workers are falling asleep on their feet as they endure long hours and sometimes... [Read more]
The Winter War
The conduct of Soviet policy just preceding the Second World War in regard to Finland and the three Baltic Republics of Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania was solely determined by the necessity of safeguarding Soviet frontiers against imperialist aggression, particularly German imperialist aggression.... [Read more]
Churchill – a bloodthirsty reactionary idol with feet of clay
IntroductionBritish imperialist propaganda has created the myth that Churchill was the foremost fighter against fascism. The truth, however, is that he was a racist, rabidly anti-communist, reactionary with considerable sympathies for fascism. His main concern was the defence of the British... [Read more]
CPGB-ML demands end to Libyan slave trade
All men are created equal?We believe that all men are created equal – yet around the world today our brothers and sisters are in chains. Our souls cry out in anger and pain when we see slave markets re-born in Libya, in the 21st century. How has humanity arrived at this shameful and humiliating... [Read more]
Report on recent industrial struggles
Housing workersHousing workers in both Knowsley and Manchester are resisting attacks on wages and conditions, happening in both cases under Labour council rule.In Knowsley social housing repairs are contracted out to Vivark Ltd and Knowsley Housing Trust whilst the council tries to shuffle off... [Read more]
Celebrating the legacy of Comrade Stalin
Each year London’s Stalin Society holds a meeting in December celebrating the occasion of the anniversary of Stalin’s birth. This year the meeting was addressed by a British teenager, who made the following significant contribution:When we discuss the significance of Stalin to young people today,... [Read more]