Bhagat Singh Rally

Bhagat Singh Rally in Southall

On April 8th, an excellent anti-imperialist Rally took place at the Saklatvala Hall, Southall, to commemorate the martyrdom of Bhagat Singh. 68 years since Bhagat Singh and his comrades died a martyrs death at the hands of British imperialism, the contribution of Bhagat Singh to the working-class movement lives on in the words and deeds of millions of proletarians and oppressed people throughout the world.

Speaker after speaker drew lessons from his dauntless courage and his vision for a socialist India. Comrade Braham Lata in paying tribute to Bhagat Singh brought greetings from the Panjab Kala Sangam in India. Sukant Chandan (SLP Youth) showed how relevant his ideals are for the youth of Britain today. The Rally learnt in detail from Harpal Brar (Editor of Lalkar) not only of the revolutionary role of Bhagat Singh, but also about the criminal acts of Gandhi both in sabotaging the struggle for the development of a working-class movement to lead the struggle for Indian independence and in colluding with the British in the murder of Bhagat Singh. Harpal’s contribution on this important subject enlightened everyone present. Those unable to be attend should look forward eagerly to reading it in a future issue of


because it gives a detailed analysis of the struggle and is supported by facts that show exactly how, when and where Gandhi demonstrated his hostility to the truly revolutionary sections in the Indian freedom struggle.

Avtar Jouhl (IWA-GB, Gen Sec) and Malkiat Bilkhu (Hillingdon Hospital Strikers) in paying their tributes to Bhagat Singh also exposed the mis-leaders in this country, like some Trade Union leaders at Longbridge and Piara Khabra in Southall, who collude/collaborate with our enemies in order to sabotage the movement for the social emancipation of the working class. The Rally included revolutionary poems and songs, in particular the poem reproduced below, which summed up the feelings and the enthusiastic tributes to our heroes.